Golden Empire Travel
Golden Empire Travel
1820 Chester
Bakersfield, CA 93301
The information age is here. Thanks to the Internet, we have a vast amount of travel information at our fingertips. The thing is, we don’t always have the tools to interpret that information—or the time.
This is all too true for those of you who have spent countless hours surfing the Internet for travel deals. Navigating this maze of options can be not only frustrating but time-consuming. Why overload yourself with travel booking tasks when there are experts to perform them for you? Those experts are travel agents.
Much of the focus of travel-based web sites is offering to the consumer the lowest prices on fares. The problem is, different search engines have different ideas about which is the cheapest flight. Even if you think you have landed a great deal, chances are, by the time you pack in your research for the night, that deal has already disappeared and it’s back to square one.
A travel agent can meet your individual travel requirements. Rather than focus on lowest price, a travel agent looks at value. What is the best price for your particular needs and travel preferences? For example, is it worth saving $50 on a flight to arrive in the middle of the night? What if your “cheap†hotel is located miles from the airport and doesn’t include pick-up? Travel agents are there to coordinate all aspects of your trip—from flight to car rental to hotel room—to make it as cost- and time-efficient as possible.
(c) 2004 - 2010 UNIGLOBE Travel International Limited Partnership. All agencies independently owned and operated.
