Jacque Travel
Jacque Travel
Jacque Elstrom
1001 Bridgeway number 537
Sausalito, CA 94965
415 339 8980
When was the last time your flight was canceled or delayed?
Welcome to Jacque Travel, professional travel services for preferred clients; people who demand the best and get it! My 20 years expertise gives me the edge in finding seats when airlines tell you they are sold out. Perhaps we last spoke when you were on route to the airport and needed an immediate booking. May be you know me only through my services.
For the busy traveler - whether it's business or pleasure, I help 'manage' your trip... book the most effective connections to simplify your journey... My platinum clients have an exclusive cell number if things go wrong ...so no standing in line if you are bumped, delayed or canceled. Contact me and I'll solve your problem.
My site enables you to book your own seats if you choose. My services ensure you save time and money, because I provide the most efficient itinerary. A cost effective ticket does not always mean the least expensive. I value our personal and professional rapport as it helps me fully understand your needs.
Jacque's premier travel service is for the discerning business traveler looking for superior sevice!
