323 Geary Street, Suite 705
San Francisco, CA 94102, USA
Tel: 415. 781. 6655
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About Us (Why Russart?)
U.S. - Russia Business
International Travel
Travel to Russia Visa Service
Airline Tickets
Immigration Attorney
Document Service
Money Transfer
Russian Showtime TV Program
American Center for Humanitarian Aid to Russia
"Russart", a holding type corporation established in California, USA. Russart commenced its activities in 1971 by distributing films produced by Russian studios in the USA. Since 1973 Russart - impresario of well-known Russian celebrities, opera and ballet stars, cinema, theatres, variety show - just to name Irina Arkhipova, Yuri Mazurok, Boris Shtokolov, Dmitry Khvorostovsky, Lyudmila Zikina, Yosif Kobzon, Stanislav Rostotsky, Sergey Soloviev, Anastacia Vertinskaya, Bulat Okudzhava, Evgeniy Evtushenko, Andrey Mironov, Boris Brunov, Evgeniy Petrosian, Editha Phjekha, and many others famous Russian stage performers, that toured in the USA and other countries and performed in festivals and concerts organized by Russart. Thus Russart becomes a reliable partner in organizing tours and entertainment of the best representatives of creative intellectuals.
Simultaneously in 1973 Russart opens a subsidiary International Travel Department (STR # 1018019), and since then to the present time, is an active partner of Intourist, Inc. and other tourist companies specialized in organizing travel in Russia. At the same time Russart signs an agreement with the International Law Association "Injurcollegia", and in result many legal matters including Probate Court cases in the USA were successfully resolved. Later this activity permitted Russart to establish direct contacts with American and Russian legal institutions and provide the clients with the necessary legal services in its Center of Official Documentation. Legal and Immigration Services are provided by Mr. Christopher Kerosky, Attorney at Law, a well-known, experienced and competent lawyer, a reputable Russian Attorney, Mr. Alexey Pozdniakov.
Head of Russart Moscow office Ludmila Zviagina
In 1988 Russart opens its representation office in Moscow International Complex "Molodyozhny", Russia, which is successfully operating till the present time. At the same time Russart starts to organize Business Seminars in the USA for leaders of large scale Russian business. More than 400 directors of Oil, Gas, Banks, Internal Revenue Service, Gold mines and other leading enterprises from Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Latvia and other republics of the former Soviet Union visited the United States for business training, marketing, management based on Russart programs. A group of 40 Moscow City Government Construction Department top executives visited the USA on the same business program. Since 1977 several groups of Russian Sea Ports executives have also visited the USA for business training. Russart business programs have been always devised for business seminars with the primary aim to establish business contacts between American and Russian business.
In 1989 Russart opens in Moscow two cafeterias, a warehouse, and together with its partners imports food products, electronics, consumer goods, cosmetics, medicine and other goods from the United States, Europe and Asia.
Since 1990 Russart started to establish business contacts with Russian enterprises by opening representation offices and forming corporations in California, providing consulting with specialist within the realm of business activity, legal services, finance and taxation, business visas support, partners' reliability, full service during stay in the USA. In 1996 Russart became member of American Chamber of Commerce in Russia.
Russart weekly, two-hours, entertainment and information TV-program "Russian Showtime" is on air since 1985 and runs successfully since then. It presents the viewers with the best news of Russian Art and Culture, Business and Travel, and shares great popularity.
From 1989 till the present time Russart organizes and collects in the USA humanitarian aid to help the needy and suffering in Russia and Newly Independent States, signs agreements with finance and bank structures in the states of the former Soviet Union to transfer money for the needy and refugee. Within the limits of this activity, Russart in coopration with the Eastern Department of one the biggest German Company "Gebr. Heinemann" in Hamburg, delivered and disseminated food products in Russia on behalf of German Red Cross. Developing this activity Russart in 2001 establishes a separate, nonprofit public benefit humanitarian, exempt from federal and state income tax corporation, "Russart, American Center for Humanitarian Aid to Russia and CIS" (Registration Number 94-3373056, US Department of Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, DLN 17053122014001). Donations directed to Russia and Newly Independent States via Russart are tax deductible.
Russart President Dmitry Gribanowski
Mr. Dmitry Gribanowski, son of Russians who emigrated after the Revolution of 1917, is the founder and President of Russart, Inc. He has considerable length of business activity in Asia, Europe and the USA, and transformed Russart into a reputable holding type structure.
