The Corliss Group
The Corliss Group
P.O. Box 661645
Arcadia, CA 91066
39 Years Strong
With so many new travelers visiting us, you may wonder who is The Corliss Group, and what do they do for the travel world?
When my late husband, Dick, and I started in the travel business we operated deluxe domestic tour travel. This company was called Corliss Tours. It was very successful and grew quite large. We sold it. Our next company was called World Adventures In Travel. We did just that, went International. That company grew and we sold it! We then, under the umbrella of our last company, started an alumni group, called The Corliss Group. After a time, we bought back our client list and started a third company, The Corliss Group. And, it remains that to today.
We are still considered a tour operator, and we do in fact operate domestic and International tours. However, in the late 80's cruising came into play and The Corliss Group became a seller of Crystal Cruises, even before the first ship, Crystal Harmony, was completed. Since that time, The Corliss Group has remained in the top five for sales annually for Crystal Cruises. The Corliss Group offers you, the traveller, Experience, Excellence, Expertise, and most of all, Superior Service.
We look forward to hearing from you. Call soon to inquire about your next travel tour or cruise adventure.
- Phyllis Corliss, Owner
© 2010 The Corliss Group, CST# 2016184-40