Travel Express
Travel Express
1300 E. Shaw Avenue, Suite 135
Fresno, CA 93710
(800) 362-3364
Voice: (559) 226-4830
Fax: (559) 226-4840
About Us:
Travel Express offers a full spectrum of travel services in order to meet the requirements of the entire travel market
We are an aggressive and innovative advocate for all our clients and provide the most cost-effective travel arrangements available.
We earned our reputation for excellent customer service by exceeding the expectations of our clients and we are proud that clients of Travel Express have confidence in the quality and continuity of services that we provide.
* ARC - Airlines Reporting Corporation
* IATAN- International Airlines Travel Agency Network
* ASTA - American Society of Travel Agents
* CLIA - Cruise Lines International Association
* TCRC – Travel Consumer Restitution Corporation
* - Travel Agency Consortium
* Fresno County Women’s Chamber of Commerce
Travel Express
California Seller of Travel # 2005476-10
Travel Express © 2009
